Fetch Moments

Fetch Moments

List Moments

Fetching moments per page is done by giving an offset and a limit. This way all the uploaded moments could be retrieved.

import { Moment } from '@poap-xyz/moments';
import { Order, PaginatedResult } from '@poap-xyz/utils';
const paginatedMoments: PaginatedResult<Moment> = await client.fetch({
  offset: 0,
  limit: 10,
  idOrder: Order.DESC,

By Drop

The list can be filtered by one or more Drops by giving drop_ids list with the Drop IDs. Also, the list can be sorted by id or created.

import { Moment } from '@poap-xyz/moments';
import { Order, PaginatedResult } from '@poap-xyz/utils';
const dropId = 14;
const paginatedMoments: PaginatedResult<Moment> = await client.fetch({
  offset: 0,
  limit: 10,
  drop_ids: [dropId],
  idOrder: Order.DESC,

Fetch single Moment

import { Moment } from '@poap-xyz/moments';
import { PaginatedResult } from '@poap-xyz/utils';
const momentId = '7284219b-1bc7-43b8-ab27-44749bdd91e1';
const paginatedMoments: PaginatedResult<Moment> = await client.fetch({
  offset: 0,
  limit: 1,
  id: momentId,
if (paginatedMoments.items.length === 0) {
  throw new Error('My moment does not exist');
const moment: Moment = paginatedMoments.items[0];