Fetch Drops
When retrieving Drops we have to paginate using offset
and limit
. But besides we can sort the
results and filter them by many options.
import {
} from '@poap-xyz/poap-sdk';
const paginatedDrops: PaginatedResult<Drop> = await client.fetch({
offset: 0,
limit: 10,
sortField: DropsSortFields.Id,
sortDir: Order.ASC,
Fetch single Drop
By giving the Drop ID we want to find, we can filter the pagination to contain the Drop or not.
import { Drop, PaginatedResult } from '@poap-xyz/poap-sdk';
const dropId = 14;
const paginatedDrops: PaginatedResult<Drop> = await client.fetch({
offset: 0,
limit: 10,
ids: [dropId],
if (paginatedDrops.items.length === 0) {
throw new Error('My super drop was not found');
const drop: Drop = paginatedDrops.items[0];