Upload Moments
A moment can contain an image and/or text. With MomentsClient
is easy to
upload an image and create it as a moment associated with a Drop or a POAP.
From Node.js
import mime from 'mime';
import fsPromises from 'fs/promises';
import { Moment } from '@poap-xyz/poap-sdk';
// Load the image of the moment.
const fileBuffer = await fsPromises.readFile('path/to/poap-moment.png');
const mimeType = mime.getType('path/to/poap-moment.png');
// Upload it.
const moment: Moment = await client.createMomentAndUploadMedia({
* Drops to be associated to the Moment.
dropIds: [110148],
* Who is uploading the moment.
author: '0x82AB2941Cf555CED5ad7Ed232a5B5f6083815FBC',
* The list of images in the moment.
media: [
fileBinary: fileBuffer,
fileType: mimeType,
* Some text to describe the moment.
description: 'Look how much fun we were having!',